So, it became a perfect situation for me to do an introspection. To understand, if what I assumed was misplaced, or whether these individuals just represent the myriad society around us. To scratch a bit below the skin, on whether these individuals represent the truth which wholly depends on falsehood.
The environment is vitiated. I just want to break-free from the clutches of despair. I want to be part of the process to instill courage into our young people - don't believe this country exists because of corruption and don't hold your charge back to lead this country out of this rut. You and me, all of us have to be ruthless in our thought process. All of us have to be change agents. Be innovative and seek ideas which can support all of us to wear just one garb. The garb of truth. The garb which has zero tolerance for corruption. Because, the thought of corruption first corrupts the mind which thinks about it and then spreads like cancer, wreaking havoc and depriving every individual who gets associated with it. Cancer corrupts the physical body, but this one corrupts the soul itself. And a corrupted soul can think no further than self.